In our checkout API you will create and read payment sessions used accross the purchase flow. The biqpay checkout is an iframe solution where Briqpay gathers the company information and provides your integration with all data post-purchase. The first step in the integration is to create a Checkout session
📄️ Create a payment session
Once your customer has entered your checkout. You should create the payment session towards briqpay.
📄️ Read session
After a completed purchase you can read the session in order to access the customer details.
📄️ Update a session
If you want to update an ongoing session you can post to the ``/update`` endpoint using the correct Bearer Token for the session you wish to update
📄️ Patch a session
Use this method if you only want to update references and urls of a session
📄️ Approve or deny a purchase session
This method can be used for a last minute validation of the order.