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Version: 1.0.0

Update a session

POST /checkout/v1/sessions/update

If you want to update an ongoing session you can post to the /update endpoint using the correct Bearer Token for the session you wish to update This is valuable if you offer the ability to change cart values of freight options on the checkout page.

All variables are required. If you want to remove values, you should send in empty strings. If there are values you do not want to update, you should send in its existing value

Request Body
  • currency Currency required
  • locale Locale required
  • country Country required
  • sessionid string required

    The sessionid to be updated

  • cart object[] required
  • Array [
  • producttype ProductType

    Possible values: [physical, digital, discount, shipping_fee, sales_tax, deposit, surcharge]

    The type of items being sold. When using 'discount', the unitPrice should be negative.

  • reference ProductReference

    The SKU of the item

  • name string
  • quantity integer
  • quantityunit string
  • unitprice integer

    Unit price excluding VAT in minor units

  • taxrate TaxRate

    The applicable taxrate in minor units. Eg 25% = 2500

  • discount integer

    Discount value in percentages. 10% = 1000

  • ]
  • merchanturls object required
  • terms string required

    Link to your terms that the client approves at the point of purchase

  • notifications string required

    Endpoint for Briqpay to notify you of a successful purchase - ensure to handle different values in session.state

  • redirecturl string required

    Where should the customer be redirected after the purchase has been completed?

  • amount integer required

    The total amount of the order including VAT

  • reference object required
  • reference1 string
  • reference2 string

successfuly updated session
