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Version: 1.0.0

Create a hosted checkout page

POST /hostedpage/v1/checkout

A first step in creating a hpp session is actually create a a Checkout session. This will then be used for the Hostedpage as the checkout. Create HPP session

In order to provide the customer with a paylink, you need to create a hostedpage and define the delivery method.

Request Body
  • checkoutsessionid string required

    The sessionId that you recieved after creating a checkout session

  • deliverymethod object required
  • type string required

    Can be value of 'email', 'link' or 'sms'

  • destination string required

    The destination of the hostedpage should be email-address or cellphone number

  • config object required
  • showcart boolean required

    Should the cart be displayed to the consumer?

  • logoUrl string required

    Your store logo to be used on the Hosted Page


