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Version: 1.0.0

Read session

POST /checkout/v1/readsession

After a completed purchase you can read the session in order to access the customer details. At this point Briqpay will provide you with company identification numbers as well as billing and shipping details.

Request Body

Read an existing session

  • sessionid string

Successful GET of Session

  • currency Currency
  • locale Locale
  • country Country
  • orgnr string
  • billingaddress Address
  • companyname string
  • firstname string
  • lastname string
  • streetaddress string
  • streetaddress2 string
  • zip string
  • city string
  • region string

    State / region. Example: "CA" for California in the US.

  • cellno string
  • email string
  • shippingaddress Address
  • companyname string
  • firstname string
  • lastname string
  • streetaddress string
  • streetaddress2 string
  • zip string
  • city string
  • region string

    State / region. Example: "CA" for California in the US.

  • cellno string
  • email string
  • reference object
  • reference1 string
  • reference2 string
  • cart object[]
  • Array [
  • producttype ProductType

    Possible values: [physical, digital, discount, shipping_fee, sales_tax, deposit, surcharge]

    The type of items being sold. When using 'discount', the unitPrice should be negative.

  • reference ProductReference

    The SKU of the item

  • name string
  • quantity integer
  • quantityunit string
  • unitprice integer

    Unit price excluding VAT in minor units

  • taxrate TaxRate

    The applicable taxrate in minor units. Eg 25% = 2500

  • discount integer

    Discount value in percentages. 10% = 1000

  • ]
  • merchanturls object
  • terms string required

    Link to your terms that the client approves at the point of purchase

  • notifications string required

    Endpoint for Briqpay to notify you of a successful purchase - ensure to handle different values in session.state

  • redirecturl string required

    Where should the customer be redirected after the purchase has been completed?

  • amount integer

    The total amount of the order including VAT

  • snippet string
  • tags object

    Additional data regarding the purchase

  • prepaid_invoice boolean
  • manual_review boolean
  • sessionid GUID

    The unique identifier for this specific session

  • state SessionState

    Possible values: [sessioncreated, purchasecomplete, paymentprocessing, purchaserejected, clientread, tokencreated]

  • createddate date-time
  • ordernote object

    Record of optional order notes that the user has inputed - Default behaviour includes a 'note' key/value

  • property name* string
  • termsCheckboxes object

    Contains data for the checkboxes of the terms module.

  • property name* object
  • value boolean
  • header string
  • purchasepaymentmethod object

    Additional data regarding the purchase

  • reservationid string
  • sessionid string
  • pspid string
  • pspname string

    The internal PSPName used

  • name string

    The customer-facing PSPname

  • autocapture boolean

    Was this order alread captured?

  • invoicemarkdown string

    Additional data added to the invoice markdown field

  • reference string

    Additional reference added to the invoice

  • email string

    Customer added an specific email to receive the invoice

  • pspSupportedOrderOperations object

    Possible order management operations that he underlying PSP supports.

  • updateOrderSupported boolean

    Default value: false

    Is this order possible to update?

  • captureOrderSupported boolean

    Default value: true

    Is this order possible to capture?

  • refundOrderSupported boolean

    Default value: true

    Is this order possible to refund?

  • extraCompanyFields object

    Record of custom parameters that Briqpay will share on completed sessions - Contact Briqpay for complete specifications

  • property name* string
  • rulesresult object[]

    Get detailed information on what rules triggered for this purchase

  • Array [
  • pspname string

    What PSP was triggered

  • rulesResult object[]

    All rules that failed for this method

  • Array [
  • outcome boolean
  • friendlyname string
  • ]
  • ]
  • token string

    The Bearer token to use for all subsequent calls on this session - This is only return on Session Create Calls
