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Version: 1.0.0

Update a completed order

POST /order-management/v1/update-order

Update a completed order

Request Body

Update an already completed order - Only available on certain payment methods

  • sessionid string
  • amount integer

    The total amount of the updated order including VAT.

  • billingaddress Address
  • companyname string
  • firstname string
  • lastname string
  • streetaddress string
  • streetaddress2 string
  • zip string
  • city string
  • region string

    State / region. Example: "CA" for California in the US.

  • cellno string
  • email string
  • shippingaddress Address
  • companyname string
  • firstname string
  • lastname string
  • streetaddress string
  • streetaddress2 string
  • zip string
  • city string
  • region string

    State / region. Example: "CA" for California in the US.

  • cellno string
  • email string
  • cart object[]

    The array of cart items of the updated order.

  • Array [
  • producttype ProductType

    Possible values: [physical, digital, discount, shipping_fee, sales_tax, deposit, surcharge]

    The type of items being sold. When using 'discount', the unitPrice should be negative.

  • reference ProductReference

    The SKU of the item

  • name string
  • quantity integer
  • quantityunit string
  • unitprice integer

    Unit price excluding VAT in minor units

  • taxrate TaxRate

    The applicable taxrate in minor units. Eg 25% = 2500

  • discount integer

    Discount value in percentages. 10% = 1000

  • ]
  • purchasepaymentmethod object

    Update data collected for a paymentmethod

  • reference string
  • gln string
  • email string
  • ordernumber string
  • pspflavorname string

    Internal integration flavor to apply to the upcoming capture request.


Successfully updated order

  • currency Currency
  • locale Locale
  • country Country
  • orgnr string
  • billingaddress Address
  • companyname string
  • firstname string
  • lastname string
  • streetaddress string
  • streetaddress2 string
  • zip string
  • city string
  • region string

    State / region. Example: "CA" for California in the US.

  • cellno string
  • email string
  • shippingaddress Address
  • companyname string
  • firstname string
  • lastname string
  • streetaddress string
  • streetaddress2 string
  • zip string
  • city string
  • region string

    State / region. Example: "CA" for California in the US.

  • cellno string
  • email string
  • reference object
  • reference1 string
  • reference2 string
  • cart object[]
  • Array [
  • producttype ProductType

    Possible values: [physical, digital, discount, shipping_fee, sales_tax, deposit, surcharge]

    The type of items being sold. When using 'discount', the unitPrice should be negative.

  • reference ProductReference

    The SKU of the item

  • name string
  • quantity integer
  • quantityunit string
  • unitprice integer

    Unit price excluding VAT in minor units

  • taxrate TaxRate

    The applicable taxrate in minor units. Eg 25% = 2500

  • discount integer

    Discount value in percentages. 10% = 1000

  • ]
  • merchanturls object
  • terms string required

    Link to your terms that the client approves at the point of purchase

  • notifications string required

    Endpoint for Briqpay to notify you of a successful purchase - ensure to handle different values in session.state

  • redirecturl string required

    Where should the customer be redirected after the purchase has been completed?

  • amount integer

    The total amount of the order including VAT

  • snippet string
  • tags object

    Additional data regarding the purchase

  • prepaid_invoice boolean
  • manual_review boolean
  • sessionid GUID

    The unique identifier for this specific session

  • state SessionState

    Possible values: [sessioncreated, purchasecomplete, paymentprocessing, purchaserejected, clientread, tokencreated]

  • createddate date-time
  • ordernote object

    Record of optional order notes that the user has inputed - Default behaviour includes a 'note' key/value

  • property name* string
  • termsCheckboxes object

    Contains data for the checkboxes of the terms module.

  • property name* object
  • value boolean
  • header string
  • purchasepaymentmethod object

    Additional data regarding the purchase

  • reservationid string
  • sessionid string
  • pspid string
  • pspname string

    The internal PSPName used

  • name string

    The customer-facing PSPname

  • autocapture boolean

    Was this order alread captured?

  • invoicemarkdown string

    Additional data added to the invoice markdown field

  • reference string

    Additional reference added to the invoice

  • email string

    Customer added an specific email to receive the invoice

  • pspSupportedOrderOperations object

    Possible order management operations that he underlying PSP supports.

  • updateOrderSupported boolean

    Default value: false

    Is this order possible to update?

  • captureOrderSupported boolean

    Default value: true

    Is this order possible to capture?

  • refundOrderSupported boolean

    Default value: true

    Is this order possible to refund?

  • extraCompanyFields object

    Record of custom parameters that Briqpay will share on completed sessions - Contact Briqpay for complete specifications

  • property name* string
  • rulesresult object[]

    Get detailed information on what rules triggered for this purchase

  • Array [
  • pspname string

    What PSP was triggered

  • rulesResult object[]

    All rules that failed for this method

  • Array [
  • outcome boolean
  • friendlyname string
  • ]
  • ]
  • token string

    The Bearer token to use for all subsequent calls on this session - This is only return on Session Create Calls
